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Audit expertise

Are you in charge of the tax department of a German group? Are you responsible for the consolidation of a group with subsidiaries in France? Do you need a reliable partner? Our teams will support you as closely as possible to your needs and provide you with their expertise by adapting to your constraints, while respecting French standards.

    years of experience

Teams that listen to you

Constantly adapting, building tailor-made solutions in an agile manner, remaining open to the world in order to understand (multicultural teams) and be understood (multilingual teams)... In short, having THE solution to meet your needs is our conception of consulting.

Découvrez nos équipes


Through our multiple expertises, we accompany our French and international clients to meet their needs:

Meet us

Regulatory updates, economic crisis, international mobility, taxation, information systems... These issues affect the management of your company. Follow all our online webinars.

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