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Management, finance, accounting

From consulting to 100% operational service, our teams are at your side to offer you solutions adapted to your needs.



Our experts bring you the services of a multidisciplinary team ready to intervene on all types of accounting, tax and HR missions to ensure that your company is in order administratively.

We accompany you from the creation of your activity in France and follow you in the development of your subsidiary.

We support you in the event of an audit.

We also intervene during the transformation or restructuring phase, as well as during acquisition and sale operations.

We regularly organize information meetings to help you understand the main changes in the French regulatory context (Loi Pacte, implementation of the CSE, gender equality…).

Do not hesitate to register for these events, we will be happy to welcome you.

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J'accompagne en France et à l’international, des particuliers, des familles, des dirigeants, des actionnaires et des investisseurs.

Violaine BOUQUILLARD, Avocate à la Cour - Senior Counsel - Responsable du Pôle Family Solutions

See the expert's file

J'accompagne en France et à l’international, des particuliers, des familles, des dirigeants, des actionnaires et des investisseurs.

Violaine BOUQUILLARD, Avocate à la Cour - Senior Counsel - Responsable du Pôle Family Solutions

See the expert's file
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Regulatory updates, economic crisis, international mobility, taxation, information systems... These issues affect the management of your company. Follow all our online webinars.


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