Bianca has been a lawyer for over 20 years and specialized in German business law (esp. contract law, contract drafting, commercial law, corporate law, tax law, insolvency law).
She is trilingual (German, English, French) and has lived and worked in three countries (Germany, France, United Kingdom).
She advises German, French and international companies on all aspects of German and French business law (in particular commercial law, civil law, intellectual property law), assists foreign companies with their establishment in Germany, represents her clients before courts in Germany and France.
Having lived and worked in three different countries, she has acquired extensive competences in the intercultural field and has developed a deep understanding of different legal systems, not least through her many years as a university lecturer in France and the United Kingdom.
Bianca was admitted to the Hamburg Bar in 2000 and admitted to the Paris Bar in 2020 as a European lawyer under the Directive 98/5/CE.
After studying law in Hamburg and being admitted to the Bar, she initially worked for several years in Hamburg at White & Case and at PKF. After moving to Paris, she completed a Master’s degree at CY Cergy Paris Université, during which she obtained the following titles:
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) “French Law and EU Law, Option Business Law and Tax Law”.
- Master II Law, Economics, Management, focus on Private Law, specialisation in French and European Law.
Since 2012, she was in charge of several international study programmes as a university lecturer in Paris and London and as a DAAD lecturer at the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas and has given numerous lectures (in German, English and French) and teaches at the Franco-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Paris:
- King’s College London: Lectures and tutorials in German civil law, criminal law, public law and EU law
- Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas:Llectures in German law, German-French comparative law; co-responsible of the German-French study programme “BerMüPa”; supervision of tutorials
- CY Cergy Paris Université: Lectures in German civil law, EU law, Legal English, translation, rhetoric & advocacy
- Franco-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Paris (AHK Paris): Introduction to Franco-German Contract Law, Commercial Law, Company Law
Bianca is an active member of the following professional associations:
- European Women Lawyers association (EWLA), Brussels
- German Women Lawyers’ Association (DJB), Berlin: Deputy Chairwoman of the Paris Regional Group
- Association des Juristes Français et Allemands (AJFA), Paris
- German-French Lawyers’ Association (DFJ), Mainz
- Women in Law, Vienna
Bianca has many years of experience in German commercial law, advises and accompanies companies, draws up contracts (in German/English/French or multilingual.
She has advised numerous companies on their incorporation or the incorporation of subsidiaries in Germany, has many years of experience in M&A, insolvency administration and tax law.
She is also committed to promoting young lawyers and regularly gives lectures and seminars on legal, European and other topics.
Invited conferences:
- “The Practice of a German-French Lawyer in Paris – Experiences under Comparative Law Aspects”, lecture at the alumni meeting of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law Hamburg, Paris 2022
- “Brexit – Conditions, Implications, Consequences for Europe” – DAAD Annual Seminar Paris, Yenne 2019
- “Brexit and the Treaty of Aachen: What future for Europe? ” – Round Table at the DAAD Annual Seminar Paris, Yenne 2019
- “Erasmus+ in triangle of current political developments in Europe – Focus: France” – Colloquium “Higher Education policy Up To Date” of the DDAD, Bonn 2018
- “Specificities important for specialised DAAD lecturers” – Introductory seminar for DAAD lecturers, Paris 2018 and 2017
- “Democracy in the EU – is there a deficit?” – DAAD Annual Seminar Paris, Sainte-Croix 2017
- “France between Terror, Strikes and European Championships-Euphoria – the Role of Universities and Higher Education Policy?” – Colloquium “on European and German Higher Education Policy – Universities between Excellence Initiative and Refugee Crisis” of the DAAD, Bonn 2016
- “Presentation of the BerMüPa and European Lawyers Programmes of the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas” – Programme Officer and Expert Meeting of the German-French University (DFH), Frankfurt (Oder) 2016
- “Introduction to EU Law” for Architects and Lawyers – King’s College London, 2015 and 2014
Conferences organised:
- Conference “Franco-German Lawyers” – University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, Paris 2017
- German-French Intercultural Workshops – University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, Paris 2018 and 2017